Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What We Feel is Most Important for Breast Implants After the Operation

Today, Dr. Yoho brings you a two-for-one blog post

We emphasize the big three. Number one, support. Number two, fish oil. And number three, Vitamin E. 
 The support will help maintain the shape of the breast. The breast is sort of like Silly Putty, and it will gradually sag if not supported aggressively with the weight of the implant. Sometimes young people can get away with breasts that don’t sag so much for a while, but in the long run gravity catches up.

The other two things we emphasize after breast surgery involve prevention of capsular contracture. Capsular contracture or firming of the breast implant is the most common problem after breast surgery. We really think that Vitamin E is very helpful and have seen patients who weren’t taking their Vitamin E soften their breasts after starting just the Vitamin E. We recommend 800 IU a day in tablet form. This along with the fish oil can be purchased at vitacost.com.

Fish oil is now regarded as an excellent anti-inflammatory. Dr. Yoho takes it in large quantities himself for foot arthritis. We recommend a teaspoon of the fish oil a day and recommend the purified fish oil such as Nordic Naturals, Carlson’s brand or Eskimo brand fish oils. If you must take the capsules, you can take at least four a day, and if you actually have the start of firming of the breasts, Dr. Yoho may recommend a larger dose for a few months. 

Breast wishes,


Robert Yoho, M.D.

The Advantage of Coming to See Dr. Yoho for Non-Invasive Procedures If You Are Prone to Anxiety

Did you know that because Dr. Yoho’s office is an accredited surgical center with AAAHC accreditation, Dr. Yoho has the ability to use intravenous medications for your more minor procedures as well as the major ones? We have patients that are scared of needles, which is a common phobia. We administer a little bit of relaxation medicine to these patients so they don’t feel anything at all during their Botox injections. Even for those who don’t have needle anxiety, we have reduced discomfort by using 32-gauge needles, which are the smallest needles commonly used in clinical practice. These can hardly be felt during administration of Botox. 

Additionally, we offer no extra charge sedation for our procedure with the fractionated CO2 laser, a procedure which has been popular and successful. You do need to bring a driver if you have sedation administered to you, but this is the only other requirement. We feel the risks are virtually nonexistent for the small amount of medication you’re given in order to accomplish these procedures in a way that’s pain-free and that erases memory of it. Additionally, you can use these procedures for fillers or any other minor surgical procedure if you are one of those people who is a bit anxious about discomfort. Lastly, we can get that intravenous line in your vein with no pain whatsoever in 90+ percent of the cases and in a fashion that most people won’t notice.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I like my breast size but they’re just saggy

Is there any way to do a breast lift and preserve my breast tissue?
When he's not in surgery, Dr. Yoho is with his family. Dr. Yoho's daughter in a light moment.

The answer, of course, is if your breasts are appropriate, we can preserve every bit of breast tissue you have and make them much perkier. The “LeJour mastopexy” that we do has a variation that allows for no removal of breast tissue whatsoever. In fact, this is the most common lift procedure we perform. Ordinary breast lifts typically remove 10 percent to 50 percent of the breast tissue, resulting in much smaller breasts.  

 Be sure to ask Dr. Yoho about the breast-preserving breast lift on your next consultation.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How Much Does It Cost For My Facial Procedures?

Moment from a great family vacation (not related to facial surgery).
Many people desire correction of one or two facial problems, such as a very weak chin or saggy eyelids. However, traditionally and very reasonably, when we work on a face, we often will correct all the defects in one appointment. This can include facelift, eyelids, skin resurfacing with peeling, and Botox and filler. Additionally, in most patients facial implants are very helpful, especially in older patients who have lost their fat volume.

Although we price our facelifts at $4,999, we’re willing to do whatever is appropriate for your face for $10,000. This includes all the above treatments, with the exception of nose surgery, which is a whole other specialty and a separate operation, in our view. We will evaluate you and do whatever is appropriate and whatever procedures you agree to have for this price. We think this is reasonable because the typical facelifts are at least $7,500. Facial implants range from $2,500 to $7,000 for one area and the peels can be $800 to $4,000. Eyelids range from $2,500 to $5,000 for uppers and the same for lowers.
We always use our sedation technique with a single agent and our patients don’t have to undergo general anesthesia. They have a reasonably comfortable experience with any nausea or problems afterwards being extremely rare. This is all included in the above pricing scheme.

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Use of Sticky Foam After Liposuction

Dr. Yoho climing El Capitan. No sticky foam here!

Reston foam was commonly used by liposuction surgeons worldwide ten to fifteen years ago. Its utility involved pasting the loose skin just exactly where the surgeon wanted it to the muscle tissues after the liposuction procedure. The advantage to this is that the girdle and the patient’s movement were unable to distort the skin placement and produce strange wrinkles that would take many months to go away. The disadvantage of this was the possibility that the patient would become irritated from the adhesive, have an allergic reaction to the adhesive which would produce a red skin or a rash, or even tear the skin when they were taking the adhesive-backed foam off.

Our solution to these problems is as follows: We instruct our patients very carefully to watch their skin irritation level and come right back into the office if they’re having any problems or any pain. We tell them to soak in a bath at day four, and this dissolves the adhesive to some degree, and then at day five after the surgery, they can more easily remove the adhesive-backed foam. While this is not a comfortable process, we’ve found that the foam, particularly in the front of the abdomen (not so much the sides) generally produces a far smoother result with much less irritation, despite the aggravation of having to take the foam off.

That said, pigment problems, areas of skin irritation or even superficial loss, and some other problems occur with the foam. Despite this, use of the sticky foam is exceedingly helpful, particularly in large-volume liposuction cases.

Another alternative to the foam is if the responsible patient is able to massage the area from day one or day two after the surgery, they can keep the wrinkles from occurring. This usually has to be done, however, in a lying-down position because the patients have a tendency to feel faint when they take the garment off this early.