Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Traditional Breast Lifts/reduction versus the new “Vertical Mastopexy/Ice Cream Cone” Breast Lift (with or without implant or reduction)

This is the Sentinel in Yosemite National Park (nothing to do with Los Angeles Cosmetic Surgery).

When you are unhappy with your breasts, there may be three reasons:
1) volume
2) shape
3) positioning

Positioning really refers to how saggy the breasts are. If your only concern is volume, and you don’t have a problem with the shape or positioning or , breast liposuction or an implant may be the best choice. Most patients can achieve a one to two cup size reduction with liposuction, and a 1 to 2 inch nipple elevation with liposuction alone.

If you are concerned with the shape but you generally like the size of your breasts, then the “Ice Cream Cone/Vertical Mastopexy” may be the procedure of choice for you. This procedure can provide a volume reduction if necessary but it’s primary function is to shape the breast and re-position the nipple areolar area. If for some reason after this procedudre, you decide you want a bit more volume, it’s not a problem to place an implant 4 to 6 months later. About 50 per cent of patients choose to put an implant and 50 per cent are happy with the lift only without implant.

Note that the traditional “anchor” scar procedure is generally regarded as not as satisfactory as the vertical mastopexy. This older procedure needs a scar all around the bottom of your breasts plus a scar up the middle plus a scar around the areola as well. It does not hold up as well as the vertical mastopexy, and tends to sag sooner. Also, the newer procedure needs only a scar down the middle of the front of the breast and around the areolae.

Remember whatever choice you make, if you need an implant, it’s always better to do this procedure in two surgeries. This is because if you have the implant put in and reduce the breast as well, the forces on the breast tend to pull the scars apart. When you do the lift first, then put the implant in later, the breast tissues hold up better and there’s less risk of sag and other unsatisfactory results. .

Note: Dr. Yoho does not usually perform the anchor-type scar procedure, the traditional breast lift. However photographs of the other procedure both with and without implants are available at my Los Angeles cosmetic surgeon website