Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How Much Does It Cost For My Facial Procedures?

Moment from a great family vacation (not related to facial surgery).
Many people desire correction of one or two facial problems, such as a very weak chin or saggy eyelids. However, traditionally and very reasonably, when we work on a face, we often will correct all the defects in one appointment. This can include facelift, eyelids, skin resurfacing with peeling, and Botox and filler. Additionally, in most patients facial implants are very helpful, especially in older patients who have lost their fat volume.

Although we price our facelifts at $4,999, we’re willing to do whatever is appropriate for your face for $10,000. This includes all the above treatments, with the exception of nose surgery, which is a whole other specialty and a separate operation, in our view. We will evaluate you and do whatever is appropriate and whatever procedures you agree to have for this price. We think this is reasonable because the typical facelifts are at least $7,500. Facial implants range from $2,500 to $7,000 for one area and the peels can be $800 to $4,000. Eyelids range from $2,500 to $5,000 for uppers and the same for lowers.
We always use our sedation technique with a single agent and our patients don’t have to undergo general anesthesia. They have a reasonably comfortable experience with any nausea or problems afterwards being extremely rare. This is all included in the above pricing scheme.