Each breast implant procedure has drawbacks and advantages for different patients depending on the breast size desired, the patient's breast anatomy and the patient's chest size. One of the most important variables in this question is the patient’s breast volume. If the patient has a great deal of breast tissue, going over the muscle sometimes is the easiest and most comfortable way, and has the shortest recovery time. In most cases we do this through the armpit, using an incision of about half an inch in the highest area of the armpit. But when going through the belly button or navel, breast enlargement is usually performed underneath the muscle. Women with breasts that are not too saggy or are relatively small are the best candidates for this. Another general consideration is, if you have had children, your breasts will likely stretch out better to accommodate the implant.
Absolutely no scars in the breast area result from the belly button technique. The passageway is made from the belly button to underneath the breast muscle with a special instrument. Then, the pocket that the implant is going to rest in, is prepared and shaped with other instruments. A special “sizer” implant is placed and filled with air. Once the “sizer” implant is inflated, the pocket is further checked and shaped. The permanent implant is then rolled up like a little taquito, threaded through the small passageway and inflated with salt water. The patient is then checked while sitting upright. If everything looks good (e.g., the implants are centered under the nipples, and the space where the implant is appears to be just the right size), the tubes used to fill the implants are removed and the little valves on the implant automatically close. The belly button area is stitched up, and the patient experiences some drainage for about 24 to 48 hours.